Windows XP : How To Change the Refresh Rate Setting

Author: Tom4u // Category: , ,

Adjusting the refresh rate setting may be necessary to resolve screen flicker and other unstable display issues on monitors and other output devices like projectors.

Here’s How:

  1. Navigate to the Control Panel in Microsoft Windows by left-clicking on Start, followed by Settings and then choosing Control Panel.
  2. In the Control Panel window, open Display.

Note: Depending on how your operating system is setup, you may not see the Display icon. To correct this, click on the link on the left-hand side of the Control Panel window that says Switch to Classic View.

  1. In the Display Properties window, click on the Settings tab.
  2. Toward the bottom of this window, click on the Advanced button.
  3. In the resulting window, which may or may not be titled Plug and Play Monitor…, click on the Monitor tab.
  4. Locate the Screen refresh rate drop down box in the middle of the window. Under most circumstances, the best choice is the highest rate available. Depending on your issue though, the rate may need to be lowered.

Note: It is always recommended to keep the Hide modes that this monitor cannot display checkbox checked. Choosing refresh rates outside this range could damage hardware.

  1. Click the OK or Apply button to confirm the changes. If prompted, follow any additional on screen directions.

Resolve your technical issues with online computer support service providers

Author: Tom4u // Category: ,

Nowadays, computer support industry is booming like anything. As the statistic of computer enthusiasts is rising sharply, so is shooting up the demand in the industry for quality, economical computer support services.

A multitude of companies are dealing in computer support services and meeting the demands of high proliferation of computer enthusiasts. Besides computer repair, companies are also offering essential computer support that is needed by all computerized organizations, be them of any size or scale or at any location on the world map.

With Internet being a booming place for all tech savvies, these companies also strive to have a strong online presence. These resources generally offer a comprehensive array of computer support services for highly competitive rates. The existing cut throat competition in the industry has been further pushing the rates to be more competitive and services more specialized and proficient in nature than ever before.

Big computer makers like Apple, Microsoft, Dell, HP, IBM also run computer support services for their own manufactured models in more than one ways. These brands have their corresponding support centers across the international map. Their websites provide information on these support centers, user-friendly online help, FAQs, tips and tutorials. But, these support services are often highly expensive and cannot be afforded by general computer users.

On the other hand, general computer support providers offer extensive computer Help, including everything from computer set up/installation to troubleshooting, backup and recovery, battery related problems, brand components, performance and maintenance of computer and its connected devices.

Online computer support resources have highly trained technicians and computer engineers, who can resolve almost any PC related problems and hence extend satisfactory PC support to you. The spectrum of computer support services also includes online computer repair and maintenance.

These online vendors offer authentic support services to their customers. You can always check their websites and download these support utilities after registration. Furthermore, these resources offer high quality, affordable computer repair and home PC support.

You can also ask your online technical support technicians about tips and tweaks to make most of your computer.

How to repair Windows Registry hive Corrupted File

Author: Tom4u // Category: , ,

If your system gives the following Error massage “Your XP/2000 system displays the following error message: Stop error c0000218. Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SOFTWARE” That means that the Software Registry Hive is corrupted. And you want to repair your and resolve these error follow the instruction given below It provided Computer Help to repair your computer.


1. Boot your system with the Windows XP/2000 Install CD, let the system start the Setup. Once in the Setup, choose to run the Recovery Console. Now type the following commands pressing Enter after each line.

md tmp
copy C:\windows\system32\config\software C:\windows\tmp\software.bak
delete C:\windows\system32\config\software
copy C:\windows\repair\software C:\windows\system32\config\software

Try to boot the system.

1.1 Zip the corrupted registry file .bak

2. If you don't have an XP/2000 CD with the Recovery Console on it, you can try removing your hard drive and connecting it your friend's system or installing another Windows system in a different directory. Then you can access the \Windows\System32\Config folder. Copy the files System, Security, Sam, Software and Default to a safe location. Then go to the \Windows\Repair folder. Those five files are your orginal registry files created when XP/2000 was first installed. Copy the file (with the name as the corrupted one) from the \Repair folder and paste it into the \Config folder.

Try to boot your system.

2.1 Zip the corrupted registry file.

3. Upload this file to us. Please wait until the 'The uploaded file has been successfully accepted by Willing Software' note appears.