Explanation of error codes generated by Device Manager in Windows XP Professional

Author: Tom4u // Category: , , , ,
You probably reached this article because Device Manager reported an error code, and you are not sure how to resolve it. In this Post, we will help you find your error code and suggest what you might try to correct the error in the next post.

If you are using Windows Vista, or another operating system other than the Windows XP versions listed in the "Applies to" section, please contact Support. For information about how to do this, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

This section lists the error codes and possible resolutions for the error codes. The error codes are listed in numeric order.

Before you continue, make sure that you have the error code available. You can view the error code in the device Properties dialog box available in Device Manager. You can also resolve many of the errors within Device Manager.

To start troubleshooting, follow these steps:
1. Make sure that Device Manager is open, and that the device that has the problem is selected. You can perform some recommended resolutions through Device Manager.
a. Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
b. Select the Hardware tab, and then click Device Manager.
c. Double-click the device type that has the problem. For example, if you have problems with your modem, double-click Modems to see the devices in that category.

A list of devices appears. If a device has problems, the device has a red exclamation point next to it. If a device is unknown (usually because of missing drivers), the device has a yellow question mark next to it.
d. Right-click the device that has the problem, and then click Properties. This opens the device Properties dialog box. You can see the error code in the Device status area of this dialog box.
2. Use the Troubleshooting Wizard, if it is available, to help you diagnose and resolve your problem.
a. On the device Properties dialog box, click the General tab.
b. Click Troubleshoot to start the Troubleshooting Wizard. The wizard asks you some simple questions and provides a solution to your problem based on the answers that you provide. If the Troubleshooting Wizard is not available, go to step 3.
c. Follow the resolution steps provided by the wizard to resolve the problem.
d. Check the Device status area of the device Properties dialog box to see whether the error is resolved. If the error is resolved, you are finished. Otherwise, go to step 3.
3. If the Troubleshooting Wizard did not help you resolve your problem or was not available, locate your error code in this article.

Note If you cannot locate your error code in this article, contact Support. For information about how to do this, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
4. Follow the recommended resolutions for that error code.
• Check the Device status area of the device Properties dialog box to see whether the error is resolved. If the error is resolved, you are finished.

• If the problem still occurs, unfortunately, this article did not resolve your problem. For your next steps, you may want to ask someone for help. Or, you may want to contact Microsoft Support to help you resolve this problem

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